Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yay For Spring Time!!

Hey everybody! It's definitely been a while since I've posted so I have lots of pictures to share! Well for me, I only have two more days of finals then I am done for the semester! BRING ON SUMMER!!! Another crazy thing that has happened is that my boys (the Blues) got knocked out of the playoffs. That made me very sad but I am so proud of them for the amazing hockey season that they gave us and I am so ready for the next season. Just gotta wait till September for preseason!! Until then, the Cardinals it is! Which they are doing great! But I cant wait until summer with pool time at our new house and yummy drinks and soaking up the sun. Ok enough of my rambling and here are some of the things that have made me so happy these past couple of weeks. Beware!! There will be quite a few because it's been so long! Sorry!! =) hope you enjoying looking into the life of Ashley! Thanks for reading!!

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