1. Twice Baked Potato Soup! My mom's receipe is my all time favorite and she makes it just right. She knows that if I am having a terrible day or I have been sick that this will always make me feel better. And this soup is the best in the winter! It just warms you up from the inside out and fills you up so you can just bundle down and go to sleep. Its amazing!

2. Toast! This is literally probably my biggest comfort food of all time. And it is so easy! This is what I had for dinner after getting off work and it always tastes so good. This is a food I never get tired of and its really not that bad for me! Thats always a plus! Toast is what I will make when I am really hungry but too lazy to make something more in depth.

3. Chocolate Chip Bars! So not healthy at all but so stinking good!! This is a food that my family has a lot in the summer. It has been a tradition to always take a tin full of chocolate chip bars with us to the Lake of the Ozarks when we go down in the summer. These are so easy! Just follow a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe but instead of making cookies just put the dough in a baking pan that you would put brownies in. Soooooo good and I recommend everybody try this!! It will make you smile! =)

4. Paninis!! Ahh these never get old! I can never get enough of these at Bread Co (or Panara if you arent from Saint Louis). I get the Smokehouse Turkey without the mustard and its so amazing! But by far my favorite one I ever had was a mix of turkey, ham and cheese at the Nordstrom Bistro at Nordstrom in Chicago. Maybe it was just because of the location but it was phenomenal! I know these are probably filled with calories but who cares!! If it tastes good it doesnt matter! (as long as you dont over do it...)

5. Prezel m&m's!! Ok I know these are terrible for me but they are so good!! As my mom always says...moderation! Thats the key word with these but for me they can always make me feel good if I am having a bad day or just even a bad moment. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!
6. Boneless Wings from Buffalo Wild Wings!! Some of my favorite food!! I get the boneless wings with honey BBQ and dip them in ranch. The best stuff ever!! I can get tired of this if I have too much but I just try not to. These are so good and not too spicy for people like me who dont like spicy stuff much.

7. Mac and Cheese!! Ok I never get tired of mac and cheese! This has always been one of my favorite foods for as long as I can remember!! So good for just an easy dinner idea that tastes absolutely wonderful!! This is particularly one of my favorite foods in the winter because its yummy and warms me up =) My go to brand is still and always will be Kraft!

8. Starbucks!! Yea this isnt a food but I couldnt help myself. I love getting Starbucks on a really cold morning and just having it warm me up while I'm being lazy in some comfy clothes. Or when I am going to church so that it wakes me up so I can keep up with the little ones in class! Gotta love Starbucks!! Who doesnt!?

9. Clam Chowder!! I dont get this very often but when I do I cant get enough of it. I tried it for the first time about 2 years ago when I was one a vacation to Baltimore and Washington D.C. I had some amazing chowder in the little resturants in Baltimore but the best I have ever had to this day was at the Capital Building in D.C. if you can believe that! It was so amazing and I have yet to find one that even compares to this. But back here in Missouri I love this in the winter because like all the other warm stuff it warms me up and makes me sleep good! I know I am weird.

10. Pita Bread and Asiago Cheese Dip!! This may sound weird but its the most amazing thing I have ever had with pita bread. For all of you that live in my area, go to Calico's in O'Fallon and get this!! They toast the pita bread and melt the asiago cheese to wear it is that amazing stringy cheese when you dip it in. Literally I go there jsut for that sometimes. Well and the pasta. Thats also amazing!! This is the stuff I crave in the middle of the night!!

So there we go! There are my 10 favorite go to foods for the winter season or when I am just having a bad day. Now I am even more hungry and craving all of the that! What are your favorite comfort foods? Thanks for reading! Check back tomorrow for something else! =)
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